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Organizing Videos
Updated over a week ago

Similar to organizing Events, you can also organize individual Live Aware videos. Using the three dot menu in the media info bar, you can rename, download, move between events, or trash videos. Renaming and downloading let you customize video titles and share videos externally. Moving videos between events allows flexibility if you streamed to the wrong event or want to reorganize. Trashed videos are kept for 30 days before permanent deletion. During this period, you can restore or manually delete them early. Once permanently deleted, videos cannot be recovered.

Rename a Video

Quickly change the name of a singular video.

  1. Click on the three-dot menu

  2. Select Rename

  3. Type the new name of your video

  4. Click enter/ return to save


Download a Video

Download videos to your device.

  1. Click on the three-dot menu

  2. Select Download

  3. Your video will begin to download automatically


Move Videos Between Events

To organize your videos better, you can move them between events.

  1. Click on the three-dot menu

  2. Select move to

  3. Search or select the event you’d like to move the video to

  4. Click move

  5. Your video will instantly move to the new event


Move a Video to Trash

Send videos to the trash; remember after 30 days your video will be permanently deleted.

  1. Click on the three-dot menu

  2. Select Send to Trash

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Restore a Video from the Trash

Restore videos from the trash before the 30-day period has ended.

  1. Click on Trash in the left navigation menu

  2. Click the Video tab to view all trashed videos

  3. Find and hover over the Video you want to restore

  4. Click to open the Event menu

  5. Select Restore

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