Annotations allow teams to collaboratively discuss insights while watching media. Annotations are time-stamped to indicate the point in the video when the comment was made. Replies are nested under the original annotation in a thread.
Create an Annotation
- Type your annotation in the text box located at the bottom of the annotations widget
- Press enter or click the right-facing arrow to post your annotation
Reply to an Annotation
- Click reply located to the right of a comment.
- Type your reply in the text box
- Press enter or click the right-facing arrow to post your reply
- Your reply is now part of a thread
When Annotations are Opened
- Search for both annotations and associated threads
- Easily hover over an annotation to edit*, reply, clip, share, or delete* it
Expanded Annotations
- Expand and collapse the thread
- Threads and annotations are side-by-side
*Only annotations created by you are able to be edited or deleted.
Am I able to export annotations?
Yes, you can easily export a video's annotations as a .csv file. To do this, click on the settings button located in the top right of the annotations section. A drop-down menu will appear and you will select export as CSV. This spreadsheet contains all annotations for that video.
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